Your food smells amazing and it tastes like heaven. Now, how do you get this across in an image?
This is our part, we'll make sure that it looks as good as it tastes!
Your food deserves the best representation and great attention to detail.
Styling and photographing food is an art form in itself, it requires a specialized workflow and skillset, along with a set of tools and props. Equipped with these and our unique approach we are ready to utilize beautiful lighting and compositions to showcase your food in the best possible way.
It's guaranteed that the viewers will feel hungry as soon as they take a look at your mouthwatering food.
We are happy to be commissioned for any type of food photography, stock or menu images, commercial photos, in-action in the kitchen, food in the field, editorial, cookbooks, etc.
We love working in our studio but we are not limited to it, thanks to our mobile studio, we can set up a great shoot anywhere.