Video Testimonials: How Long Should They Be?

Video testimonials effectively spread the word about your product or service and establish a strong connection with customers. But what’s the perfect length for a video testimonial? That’s a question we hear all the time, and the answer is that size matters. Too long or too short, and you’ll miss out on the impact of the video. That’s why we created this ultimate guide to perfect video testimonial length. 

The Right Length for Video Testimonials

The ideal length for a video testimonial is between 30 seconds and 2 minutes. 

This length will allow you to provide enough information to engage viewers and give them a better understanding of your product or service without overwhelming them. It also lets you capture the customer’s enthusiasm and emotion without dragging out the video. 

In addition to a length of 30 to 120 seconds, it’s important to consider the content of the video. The customer should be able to explain why they are using your product or service, the benefits they have experienced, and their overall experience. 

Why People Today Prefer Short Videos

Short videos are becoming increasingly popular because they require less time and attention from viewers. People are constantly bombarded with content, so shorter videos are more likely to grab their attention. Additionally, shorter videos are easier and cheaper to produce, making them a more cost-effective option for businesses. Finally, shorter videos are easier to share across social media platforms, which can help increase brand awareness and reach.

How to Write a Short Testimonial?

  • Introduce yourself and your company: Start by introducing yourself, your company, and the product or service you are discussing.

  • Explain how the product or service has helped you: Describe the problem you were facing before you used the product or service and how it helped you.

  • Highlight the features of the product or service: Talk about the features of the product or service that you found most useful.

  • Wrap up: End your testimonial by summarizing how the product or service has helped you and why you recommend it.

The Right Length of Video Testimonials for Social Media

The length of your video testimonial will depend on the platform you’re posting it to. For example, you can post longer videos on YouTube, but you’ll want to keep it short and sweet for platforms such as Twitter and Instagram. Generally, aim for a testimonial that’s between 15-30 seconds long. That’s enough time to explain how the product or service helped you and why you recommend it.

When creating a video testimonial, it’s important to remember the features of the product or service you found most useful. For example, if you used an app for online shopping, talk about how easy and convenient it was to use. If you hired a freelancer for web design services, discuss their professionalism and quick turnaround time. 

No matter what platform your video is posted on, make sure to include why others should consider using this product or service as well. Talk about how helpful it has been for your business operations or lifestyle needs — whatever makes sense given the context of your situation! Finally, end with a clear call-to-action: encourage viewers to give this solution a try themselves so they can reap its benefits too!

The Bottomline

Size does matter when it comes to creating the perfect video testimonial. It should be both long and short enough to convey the message you want to communicate. Too long, and you'll risk losing the attention of the viewers, and too short could leave them with unanswered questions. The ideal length will depend on the type of content you are creating, the platform you are using, and the audience you are targeting. By following the guidelines presented in this article, you will be able to create a video testimonial that is concise, informative, and engaging.

BFF Visuals offers high-quality Amsterdam production services. We specialise in event, product, commercial, and corporate video production and photography. Get in touch with us.


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