The 5 Advantages of Video Marketing to Your Company
Promotional videos are a good way of capturing a potential customer’s attention. About 81% of consumers have been convinced to purchase a product or try out a service after being exposed to a brand’s video.
Furthermore, the number of businesses that have delved into video marketing has risen over time. It’s only bound to increase further with the amount of opportunities it presents. Continue reading to learn why this marketing tool is favourable for your company.
Improves SEO
The search engine optimisation used for Google is also what you should be using with YouTube, the free video-sharing platform under them. Techniques such as targeting keywords and calls-to-action on YouTube will help your Google SEO. There’s also an embed function that lets you add your videos to your company website, providing your visitors with more content.
In addition, consider other video sharing sites such as Vimeo and DailyMotion. Uploading your promotional videos there creates the possibility of building an audience in a less competitive network.
Visual Storytelling
People who consume information with their vision are more likely to recall the message than reading full chunks of text. Having a blog post in text for readers is good, but a promotional video is truly powerful; it appeals to the sight and hearing of a viewer. It can also be more entertaining when the storytelling is done right and visually appealing.
Consider the characters you want to include and what you want to communicate. Position your company’s brand in such a way that consumers will trust you to find solutions and help them. About 80 percent of users are able to remember a video they watched last month, so make your video count.
Conveys Messages Easier
Creating written instructions isn’t always easy, even for the simplest procedures, like making coffee. There might be steps you’ve forgotten to include or directions you’ve butchered in describing. The worst-case scenario is realising that everything you’ve written might not even be making any sense.
Hence, promotional videos are the way to go. Showcased demonstrations are better for the consumer as they will understand it easier when they’ve seen it. Product videos also influence buyers during their decision-making process when purchasing.
Capitalises on Social Media
Traditional media and broadcasters normally have the upper hand as companies would pay to have their promotional videos aired. It may be a risk for small businesses to get promo videos to play on television. There may be budget constraints and the potential to lose money if the audience isn’t paying attention to commercials.
Fortunately, the surge of social media platforms allows a free open space for brands to create and share content. Promotional videos are flexible so you can reupload them and reshare them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. They are cheaper in production and can reap more results in a short amount of time.
Video Testimonials
Testimonials are a great way to have past customers vouch for your product or service. However, brands may not be too recognisable if they aren’t as big as Amazon or Apple. Consumers can also be sceptical of written testimonials because they’re too good to be true, or fake.
Having video case studies on your site or on your YouTube channel will help earn people’s trust. Human qualities such as a face and a voice on screen will help a buyer consider your company. Promotional videos itself should usually have the face of the company owner and staff to let a consumer know that you aren’t just a logo on the market.
In summary, video marketing is very useful for start-ups, small businesses and established brands. Generate virtual messages that can be consumed in a minute or two, and a consumer can retain information about your brand. The internet gives exposure for free, so companies should reap its benefits.
If you’d like to boost brand awareness through photo and video production, get in touch with BFF Visuals. We are based in Amsterdam but are able to offer professional photography services and video marketing throughout Europe. Contact us now!